Thursday, March 31, 2011

Men's Breakfast 3-26-11

Another men's breakfast occurred on Saturday and we had a small group but a big time.  
This is where we usually find Ray on breakfast morning - cooking eggs, ham & english muffins.

Herbie and Lester filling up on the morning Joe.

Ray Lammott took the opportunity to share from the Word a short challenge to our hearts.

After breakfast discussion of the Word of God.  This is what the Men's Breakfast is really about.

The next Men's Breakfast is on the calendar planned for April 30, at 7:30 am.  Put it on your calendar and we'll see you there.  All men, their sons and friends are invited.  Join us for a bit o' breakfast and a discussion from the Word of God.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Food Pantry Needs List

Here is a preliminary list of needs to get the food pantry up and running again.  We will be using the food pantry here a the church to meet the needs of our church families and also to reach out to the community around us with the name of Jesus Christ.  If you have questions call the church at 435-8036.
Donations of cash or gift cards from grocery stores would also be appreciated.

Peanut Butter - 14oz jars
Tuna fish
Chicken noodle soup
Vegetable beef soup
Saltine crackers
Ritz crackers
Spaghetti Sauce
Toilet paper
Paper towel
Tooth paste
Hand lotion

Donations may be left in the box marked 'Food Pantry' by the side entrance doors.  Thank You!

Audio and Sermon Notes

Coming Soon!!  - Hopefully by the end of the week we'll have links posted here for the audio files and sermon notes for our Sunday Worship time as well as our evening study, "The Sufficiency of the Scriptures About the Local Church."  We are searching the scriptures to answer questions like, "What is the church to be and do?"  "How are we to worship?"  "Should we have plurality of leadership?"  "What is salvation?"  If you would like answers to these questions from the Bible, come out on Sunday evening at 6PM or check back here for the audio links later this week!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Men's Breakfast

This morning was our irregularly scheduled Men's Breakfast and Volunteer Work Day. Breakfast was good, our time together was encouraging and our study of God's Word was uplifting. If you missed it, you can join us on March 26th for our next regularly scheduled Men's Breakfast and Volunteer Work Day. (If you come for breakfast you don't have to stay to work.) Coffee is always on by 7am, breakfast will be served at 7:30.
Here are some photos of the morning.
Jonas couldn't get enough of the table hockey game. Everyone was challenged to play.

The project for the morning was to clean out one of the old Sunday School rooms and make it into an office/copy room. As you can see, Ed has found some good stuff among the junk.
Here's the finished product, for today anyway. Good job men! Maybe later we can think about painting the room? For now, we have all our copy supplies in one place, organized and ready to use.
If you would like to be involved in one of our next projects or in our next Volunteer Work Day, it is as simple as letting Ray Lammott or Glen Patterson know of your desire to be used in this way.

Daylight Savings Time

Don't Forget!  Tonight we change the clocks - spring ahead.  At 2am the official Daylight Savings Time begins here in the US, we mover our clock ahead one hour.  That's right, we lose an hour of sleep tonight.  If you forget to change your clocks, then tomorrow morning you will arrive at the church one hour late.  See you tomorrow!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Welcome to PSBC

Dear Friends and Church Family,

Welcome to the start of the Park Street Baptist Church blog. We are an independant Baptist church located in Pittsfield, NH. The primary blogger on this site will be the teaching pastor, right now our interim pastor, Jeremy Everson. Please feel free to leave comments about the church, our services and programs, our teaching and goals or to just say "Hi!" You are welcome at any of our regularly scheduled service times and here we will try to keep you up-to-date on special events or changes to our normally scheduled events. Thanks for stopping by!

PSBC Pastor