Saturday, March 12, 2011

Men's Breakfast

This morning was our irregularly scheduled Men's Breakfast and Volunteer Work Day. Breakfast was good, our time together was encouraging and our study of God's Word was uplifting. If you missed it, you can join us on March 26th for our next regularly scheduled Men's Breakfast and Volunteer Work Day. (If you come for breakfast you don't have to stay to work.) Coffee is always on by 7am, breakfast will be served at 7:30.
Here are some photos of the morning.
Jonas couldn't get enough of the table hockey game. Everyone was challenged to play.

The project for the morning was to clean out one of the old Sunday School rooms and make it into an office/copy room. As you can see, Ed has found some good stuff among the junk.
Here's the finished product, for today anyway. Good job men! Maybe later we can think about painting the room? For now, we have all our copy supplies in one place, organized and ready to use.
If you would like to be involved in one of our next projects or in our next Volunteer Work Day, it is as simple as letting Ray Lammott or Glen Patterson know of your desire to be used in this way.

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