Special Requests
Opportunity to Serve
This Saturday: There are two opportunities to serve the body this weekend.
Kyle and Mandee Lammott will be moving tomorrow to the Boston area in order to attend Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. They have all their household items in a trailer that they will be taking down with them. The apartment that they will be moving into is on the third floor and they would appreciate help in carrying these items upstairs to their new home. If you would like to help in this way, you can coordinate with Kyle at klammott@gmail.com or reply to the church and we will help with those arrangements.
Also, there is a family from here in Pittsfield who we have helped a few times over the past year, Andrew and Beatrice. They will be moving tomorrow to Concord and would appreciate any help they can get moving their household items. It would be a great help to them to have trucks that could help move their stuff so they don't have to rent a UHaul and they can save that money for setup in their new home. Contact Beatrice at 969-8241 or reply to the church and we will help with those arrangements.