Friday, October 28, 2011

Don't Forget!!  Men's Breakfast tomorrow morning at 7:30am followed by the Ladies Brunch at 10am.  Come for food and fellowship and we'll begin our sharing/study time with prayer for our missionaries.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This weeks The Truth Project - Lesson 4 Who is God?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Truth Project

It has been a while since we've done anything with this blog, sorry about that.  We'll do our best now to keep it up to date.  We'd like to announce our new small group Bible studies beginning with "The Truth Project".  We'll be meeting on Wednesday and Friday for this Bible study - you need only to attend one group to stay caught up.  Check our group page at the Truth Project website http://www.mytruthproject.org/small_group_support/search_groups.aspx?query=&country=US&state=NH&times_of_day=0&days_of_week=0&sort_by=city&reverse=false
or call the church for more information 603-435-8036.